We talk all the time of becoming true Muslims. Of truly believing in and subscribing to the way of Allah. We recognize that we can not achieve any true success without this belief and this subscription.
can not fight the enemies of Allah or fight the evil around us and within ourselves
without cleansing our souls and strengthening our beliefs.
can not be worthy of our religion if we do not implement our shahadah that
there is no god but Allah in all aspects of our lives.
our status nowadays as Muslims is really pitiful. We are so far from Islam and we are so weak
and we are so divided. Simply put,
Islamically we are out of shape.
all believe that Islam is the answer to our problems. But do we really subscribe to that
belief. If we truly believe in Islam,
then nothing should stand between us and implementing this belief.
yes we are out of shape. And we can not
get back in shape because of our weak wills, because of our ignorance and
because of the way we were brought up.
we must do something about our Islam before it is too late. It is never too late for Islam to revive as
we all know. Islam will rise again and
will dominate In'Shaa'Allah. But It
could be too late for us to become part of it.
It could be too late for us to have participated in its revival. It could be too late for us to identify with
ask myself and ask all of us to think: What got us so deep down in this darkness,
and how can get out of this miserable status we are in.
reflect back on the way we were raised with Islam in the background, as a
peripheral not as a core. The systems
that dominated our countries and societies
were not Islamic. The values, the
ethics, and the educational environment were all polluted by the enemies of
Islamic influences have seeded itself and stretched its roots all over. Even in the peoples ideologies and
beliefs. We were raised in mixed up
societies that could not sort out what is Islamic and what is not.
material joys and comfort became our necessities and the Islamic essentials and
necessities were ignored. Islamic
beliefs and ideologies were compromised, and what they called progress and
modernism was in fact the ultimate of backwardness and ignorance.
light that was being portrayed to people is nothing but reflection of a satanic
image aimed to destroy the human soul and its beliefs.
were raised in these mixed up and polluted environments, and we were exposed to
the ills of those societies, so we became carriers of those ills and their
the trouble is that we are not taking this situation seriously. And the more troubling part is that we are
portraying our troubled image as Islam.
are doing that to the non Muslims who in turn are finding it as a good excuse
to denounce Islam and to put it down.
And we are doing it to the new generation, our children, and that in
turn is making it harder for them to follow the straight path.
And what are we doing about it? Some are
fighting it and some have given up and some have no plans to do anything about
for those who are fighting, the battle is difficult, extremely difficult.
fight an enemy, one needs to identify this enemy first. And to examine our situation the enemy is
within us, mixed up in our system. And
hard work and careful examination is required to be able to sort it out.
is needed to identify that enemy. And
not any kind of knowledge, Islamic knowledge is the only way. When we examine the situation that we have to
sort every little habit, tradition, or custom we have.
have to sort out every little thing we picked after our families, our
societies, and our ancestors. This is a
hard task, hard on two counts: 1. it is
within us, and 2. we lack the Islamic
knowledge to do the sorting. This is
assuming that we are convinced that it must be done.
if we try, Allah promises His help and his championship. Allah is so near to us, Willing to help us if
we are sincere.
(swt) has promised in Surat Al-Hajj (22:40), that He will aid, He will support,
and He will champion those who champion Him.
is the Truth, and He says nothing but the Truth. He promises to champion us if we champion
Him. It is this condition with which we
are having difficulty.
can the creature champion the creator?
Again, Allah made it clear to us in many Qur'anic verses that
championing Him can be achieved through worshiping him. Truly worshiping him through total
submission and total obedience.
it was a duty incumbent upon Us to aid and champion those who believed."
key word here is "those who believed",
and this key word is the key to the straight path, the key to true success, the
key to Allah's championship.
early Muslims knew the importance of true belief and Iman, and throgh that they
were victorious both on earth and in the hereafter.
we Muslims nowadays are constantly wondering how is it possible to recover the
status that once was enjoyed by the early Muslims? And, how is it possible for
us to defeat the enemies of Allah and the enemies of Islam within our souls,
within our lines as well as outside.
answer is very straight forward. By
fulfilling our part of the contract. By
returning to Islam. By worshiping Allah
the way He should be worshiped. By
becoming worthy of the title that we were blessed with, the title of
are not we already Muslims? We do our
prayers, we fast, we do zakat. Isn't
that sufficient?
answer to this question can only be taken from our religion. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
person does not become a Mu'min until his desires, his ambitions, and his objectives
precisely follow what I brought (i.e. my
examine today's Muslims' desires and ambitions, and what do we find? They are no different from those of the non
Muslims; to get rich and to be
influential, to live a fancy life, to own a new car and a luxury residence, to
enjoy vacations, entertainment, and have fun.
is not just the ritual practices that comprise Islam and make one a
Muslim. It is the complete belief and
sincere practice of the teachings that make us Muslims and thereafter worthy of
Allah's championship.
as the Hadeeth states: We need to have our desires, our inclinations, our
wishes, our dreams, and our ambition to be all under control. All need to coincide with what the Prophet
brought to us: Islam.
the same manner, becoming a true Muslim is a prerequisite Allah has prescribed
to gain his championship.
problem, brothers, is that we want to ignore this fundamental and still expect
Allah to reward us with His championship.
This is unrealistic. Listen to
Allah's words in
can not win Allah's championship if we do not become true Muslims, and that is
a fact.
several Qur'anic verses (e.g. 42:31),
Allah assures the we will never find any alliance or championship other than
have you besides Allah any one to protect or to help."
can not win Allah's championship if we do not submit to him.
can not win Allah's championship if we associate with him.
we do associate with him waliyazubellah.
worship the enemies of Allah when we submit to them and compromise our religion
to gain their favors.
worship money and wealth as we make so much considerations and accommodations
for our income resources that result in our compromise of our beliefs and
Islamic practices.
worship comfortable lifestyles as we make every effort in the way of enjoying
it and experiencing its joys while putting religious aspects and practices to
second or even lower priorities.
worship our egos and our positions as we do what we can to have more and climb
the ladders of command.
the question before us is: How are we different from those around us who do not
claim to be Muslims? The unfortunate
answer is that the main difference is our verbal claim.
main issue is that our complete believe, trust, and submission to Allah, is
lacking. It is lacking because we have a
different order of priorities than that implied by Islam. It is lacking because we are associating with
Allah many of our world desires, dreams, and ambitions.
is a prerequisite that makes our work effective. Because Allah will accept this hard work and
bless it and that is how we become worthy of His championship. And without the belief, our work is in
vain. Even if we win a battle or two,
Allah promises that without the belief the ultimate end is a great failure, and
what failure is greater than hell fire waliyazu billah.
let us all supplicate to Allah that He helps us understand and appreciate the
vital nature of taking the first and most important step: Becoming true
all live in this non Islamic country either for a short duration or for a long
duration. And, many of us get wrapped up
in the system here and forget that they are Muslims. That we have a different belief, and we have
different commitments.
of us forget that in standing firm by the principles of Islam we must sacrifice
some privileges of this non Islamic system and that this is a price we must
of us do not want to do that sacrifice and think that we can do so and still
claim Islam.
Let me remind myself and remind you that we can not have it both ways. One can not be one of them at the same time
resent what they stand for.
cannot play their game their way reaching for the same objectives and claim
that he is different or he is a Muslim.
can not raise our children their way and expect them to stand on Islamic
can not set for ourselves ambitions of their making and meet Allah on the day
of judgment with any pride.
cannot compromise on aspect of Islam using the system here as an excuse and claim
that we are true Muslims.
can not skip our prayers because we have meetings, miss fasting Ramadan because
it is hard in this country, and claim that we are Muslims working for Islam.
can not hide our identity, and live a fake image because we are afraid others
would alienate us.
we are truly working for the sake of Allah and seeking only his satisfaction,
then we have nothing to fear.
have to present to this system an alternative.
The Islamic alternative which we believe to be the right and only
way. We have to present this alternative
in our identities, our personalities, our behavior, and our actions.
have to show them a clear correlation between the good work we do and Islam,
the good values we stand by and how it is derived from Islam. The good characters and discipline we enjoy
and how it induced by Islam.
I ask myself and ask you: Do we have a choice in this matter? The answer is a straight forward no.
we want to be counted among the Muslims, If we want to be part of the Islamic
revival, and if we want to please Allah and champion his cause, the answer is
do not have a choice, and we have to fight our battle and not turn our backs
and ignore it.
choice to ignore this fight is the choice of staying doomed, staying weak,
staying divided, and for that, one should not expect but the displeasure of
Allah and His punishment.
of us has to get involved, and we can not ignore our being part of a whole that
has to fight the Islamic battle.
we have to get started before it is too late.
Or before our ills get beyond our control. And before these ills get to infect others
around us. Such ills are already being
transmitted to our children, the Muslims of the future.
better get started now before it is too late, otherwise, we deserve nothing but
Allah's displeasure and punishment Wal'iazu-billah.