
Aug 21, 2020


 Islam is the religion of truth the religion of righteousness

It is the most valuable religion but most people do not know

It is the religion which Allah has chosen for us and for all humans.  To be as guidance and protection in our lives

It is the religion that provides us with the means to win the pleasure and satisfaction of Allah (SWT) and be among those he admits to his heavens. 

And it is the only religion that Allah (SWT) acknowledges

Al-Imran, 19:  The religion before Allah is Islam

And also,

Al-Imran, 85:  If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).

Islam is the religion which will survive all other religions as related to us by the book to Allah and also in many Hadeeth

Attawbah, 33:  It is he who has sent his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it)

Yes brothers and sisters, this religion will dominate all other religions and systems and ways which were invented by man

And the flag of Islam will rise victorious above all other flags

And this victory is coming and is certain with us or without us

Whether we were part of it or we were not, Islam will rise

Whether we tried or not, Islam will rise

Whether we participate or not Islam will rise

It is a promise from Allah and Allah’s promises are true

And the question before us today is what is our role as Muslims individuals and communities in this critical matter

Do we sit back and wait for it to happen (because it will)

Do we sit back passive helpless in a state of submission to the events around us satisfied with the status quo

Or do we roll up our sleeves and fight and try and exert the effort and persist intending to be part of the Islamic rise and the Islamic victory

Which group and which category would any of us like to be in on the day of judgment

Al-Hajj, 2:  The day you shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load you shall see mankind as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk (but dreadful will be the wrath of Allah)

Abasa, 34:  That day shall a man flee from his own brother, and from his mother and his father, and from his wife and his children.  Each one of them that day will have enough concern of his own to make him indifferent to the others

Al-Ghashiyah, 2: Some faces, that day will be humiliated, laboring hard, weary.  The while they enter the blazing fire.  The while they are given to drink, of a boiling hot spring.  No food will there be for them but a bitter (dari).  Which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.

While some

Al-Ghashiyah, 8: Other faces that day will be joyful, pleased with their striving in a garden on high.  Where they shall hear no word of vanity

Will we be among those whom Allah is pleased with and they are pleased with him

Those who were sincere in their worship and sincere in exerting their effort

Those who believed and committed themselves to doing righteous deeds and joined together in the mutual teaching of truth and of patience and consistency

Or will we be among those whom Allah will be displeased with and would not talk to them or even look at them

Brothers and sisters in Islam

What we need to do to be part of the Islamic victory is not difficult.  In fact, it is all in our hands and within our reach.

Allah (SWT) says in Surat

Al-Baiyina, 5:  And they have been commanded no more than this, to worship Allah, offering him sincere devotion, being trued in faith, to establish regular prayer, and to practice regular charity, and that is the religion of righteousness

Brothers and sisters

Our role is not to cause the victory of Islam because we will not

Our role is not to produce the change leading to the Islamic rise because we will not

Our role is not to achieve because we will not

This is Allah's role.

Allah’s role is to cause the victory, the rise, and the achievements.  These come from Allah when he wills them in his own way

And God forbids any of us to believe that we do cause changes or have achievements

Our role as related to us in many ayat and many Hadeeth is limited to:

            belief in Allah

            righteous deeds

            sincere devotion to Allah in our deeds and having the right intention

            sincerity is belief,

            sincerity is worship

            sincerity is intention

            sincerity is whatever we do

Yes brothers and sister it boils down to one attribute, sincerity

It is a comprehensive attribute that we need to commit to and maintain  ---  sincerity  ---

If we did that, we will be among the winners inshaallah

And if we do not, we loose and will be lost God forbid

Sincerity in whatever we do




            marital relationships


            family relations

            community relations


            giving charity

            use of time

            ordering priorities

Sincerity in everything and in all things

Because we are accountable for all that

We are accountable for:

            our life how we spent it

            our knowledge what we used if for

            our wealth how we earn it and how we spent it,  and

            our bodies how we used it

Yes, brothers and sisters

We are accountable for all these whether we put them to good use or we wasted them and wasted ourselves

So we need to ask ourselves before we get asked

And we need to prepared for the day of judgment

Simply put, we need to commit to the attribute of sincerity