دور المسلم في سد الثغرات بكل ما أوتي من نعم
فهذه النعم ماهي إلا أمانة
أودعها الله عندنا وسنحاسب عليها
غالبنا يعامل هذه الأمانات كمالك
وليس كمأتمن والله وحده هو المالك
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المسلمون كرجل واحد إن اشتكى عينه اشتكى كله وإن اشتكى رأسه اشتكى كله
قال تعالى: "ولا تنازعوا فتفشلوا وتذهب ريحكم واصبروا إن الله مع الصابرين" الأنفال46
يقول صلى الله عليه وسلم: "يد الله على الجماعة ومن شذ شذ في النار" ويقول: "من خرج عن الطاعة وفارق الجماعة فمات، مات ميتة جاهلية"
§ Brotherhood, mercy,
§ Cooperation, unity,
§ Solidarity line of
§ Powerful, sustained,
solid, invincible
§ Solid belief, solid
socially, solid economically, solid politically (politics based on
righteousness), solid in the infrastructure, solid in its independence of ill
§ every one has to find
himself or herself a role in the forming this Islamic unity
§ if we dont, we leave a
gap or gaps
§ the system cracks and
§ it is like a dam made
out of stones. No matter how well they
are put together, a missing stone in a critical spot can lead to breakdown.
§ Or line a line of
defense in a war, a void is where the enemy penetrates to the depth attacking
the lines from behind.
§ It is also like a
wound in the body if not sealed and protected, the germs and viruses get in
leading to more serious consequences.
§ It is like an
organization, a company, a state, all fronts have to be effectively covered and
§ Our Muslim line of
defense should not be compromised, and that is the bunian almarsous that we are
required to form with no weak spots, gaps, or voids.
§ we get trained on
forming this united front every time we do salatul-jama3ah
§ when we are required
fill the voids in the prayer row, it is training for us to fill the voids in
the united Muslim front as well
§ when we are required
to straighten our lines, it is not for the cosmetics and the looks, it is for
the indication that this group is disciplined, if they don’t know how to work
together in a simple task like straightening their row, how are they going to
work together towards running the affairs on this earth?
§ The issue of saying
ameen together with the imam.. is it for the notes and the tone and the beauty
of the sound only? Again, if we cant be
disciplined in being at harmony with one another and as a group and with the
imam, the leader of the group, in a simple task as saying ameen properly, how
are we going to form a solidarity line in the way of Allah and conquer the
enemies within and the enemies
صلى الله عليه وسلم ( مثل القائم على حدود الله والمدهن فيها كمثل قوم استهموا على
سفينه في البحر أصاب بعضهم أعلاها أصاب بعضهم أسفلها فكان الذين في أسفلها إذا
استقوا من الماء مروا على من فوقهم فقال الذين في اعلاها لا ندعكم تصعدون فتؤذونا
فقالوا : لو انا خرقنا في نصيبنا خرقا ولم نؤذ الذين من فوقنا فان يتركوهم وما
أرادوا هلكوا جميعا وان اخذوا على ايديهم نجوا ونجوا جميعا)،
§ It is our
responsibility to form this bunyan at all levels. On the family level, the community level, the
state level, and the world level.
§ Let us focus on the
community level, because, this is our immediate responsibility
§ How can we form this
solid structure, this front, this unity, and this brotherhood on the community level?
§ Many of us here know
very well how a sports team is formed; others know how organizations are
formed, whichever the experience is: we know what it takes.
§ It takes individuals
working to cover the many needs of the organization or the team.
§ United in purpose and
work in harmony.
§ Support one another
and work hard to achieve and succeed.
§ If they work for
individual success or individual achievement, they fail and the organization
§ Add to that “guided by
righteousness” and you have the Islamic unity.
§ That is what we need
in our Islamic community.
§ How can we do it with
our limited resources?
§ Just like how you
manage your income and limited energy and your limited time.
§ Conservation
§ Wise use of resources
§ Priorities
§ Exerting your
resources to the limit
§ Positive attitude and
§ I am sure you can to
this list many other ways
§ Each one of us knows
that he or she has more (a lot more) than they offer.
§ Each one of us knows
that he or she can do more.
§ Let each one of us dig
deep in his and her conscience and be sincere in this search