
Nov 13, 2011

Parenting Tips

Parenting Tips

Western Adolescence:
·        12-18:
·        18-24:
·        24-30:

Islamic Adolescence:
·        Ends at 15:
·        Born with Fitra - What you put in you get out -  All inputs: parents and all others

Ali bin abi Talib

Ø 7 years of Play: 0-7

Ø 7 years of Discipline : 7-14

Ø 7 years of Friendship: 14-21

Ø Then let them free


Ø 7 years of Play: Love - educate - direct – tarbiya – tathqeef (all though play)

o   Give them TIME and ATTENTION. 
o   Touch, Hug, acquaintance, strong ties, nursing the full duration. 
o   Get them attached to you and don’t want to miss you. 
o   Make them feel wanted and loved and cared for. 
o   Bathe them change their diapers. 
o   Be everything for them. 
o   Read for them.  Read with them. Tell them stories. 
o   Don’t belittle them.  No mocking. 
o   Meal time. Car Time.
o   Don’t let them feel neglected.
o   Teach them to learn new things
o   Good habits
o   Respect for themselves and Respect for others
o   No baby talk.  Languages
o   Neatness
o   Accuracy and Perfection
o   Sincerity
o   Personality and Leadership
o   Communication skills
o   Critical thinking, Analysis, Logic
o   References, trusted and doubted
o   Right is right and wrong is wrong and how to deal with it.
o   Truthfulness

Ø Discipline 7 : 7-14

o   7-10 teach them prayer.  Beat them at 10
o   continued education but with discipline
o   emphasize the same things 0-7 on a more mature level with discipline

Ø Befriend them 7: 14-21

o   Companionship, do things together, sports, entertainment, critical decisions.
o   emphasize the same things 0-7 on a more mature level with friendship

Ø Then let them free

o   Consultation
o   emphasize the same things 0-7 on a more mature level in an advisory/mentorship role

Prevention is better than restoration through cure.

If you miss any of the above, then treatment is in order.  Inhiraf that requires 3elaj.


Ø Fahm

o   From child’s point of view

o   Every one is different

o   Don’t compare and don’t declare that comparisons

o   Establish expectations based on your desires

Ø Hubb

o   Touch

o   Words

o   Action

o   Attention

Ø Istima3

o   Talk

o   Discuss

o   Share secrets

o   Stories of their childhood

o   Stories of family

o   Politics, economy, social issues

o   (I2zinly belzina yarasoolallah.  Edno.  Atuhibbuhu le Ummak)

o   At meal time

o   At bed time

o   At wake up time

Ø Thiqah

o   Give them responsibilities

o   Give them assignments – prepare for the family outing

o   Depend on them

o   Projects

o   Cook, clean, go to the bank

o   Push the buttons in the elevator

o   Engage them in decision making

o   Learn from mistakes – help them with the analysis

Ø Iftikhar

o   Be proud of them in their own ways and achievements

o   Every one has positives and negatives.  Mention the positives

o   Make them feel the importance of their positives this may help them overcome the negatives

Ø Rehabilitation – Treat problems

o   Go to specialists (Muslim)

Ø Companions - Khalil

o   Be the best Khalil for your kids

o   Be the model for your children and be careful from the competition:

o   Barbie

o   Sponge Bob

o   The Terminator

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